Telegram till Widegren

Telegram till (Matilda) Widegren från Kroepelien, med anledning av den resolution som antagits av WILFP:s kvinnokonferens för fred i Zürich 1919. Resolutionen delgavs fredskonferensen och de regeringar som skulle komma att ingå i Nationernas förbund.

 Telegram sida 1.

c 71/14 b zurich 8070 230 w 13/5 14 05

= widegren sibyllegatan 59 stockholm

resolution carried unanimously sent
to peace conference and the 9 league of
nations governments this interwational congress
of women expresses its deep regret that the
terms of peace prm o posed at versailles should
so seriously violate the principles upon
which alone a just and lastin peace can
be secured and which the democracies of the
world had come to accept by guaranteeing the

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 Telegram sida 2.

fruits of the secret treaties to the
conquerors the terms of peace tacitly
sanction secret diplomacy deny the principle
of self determination recognise the right m f
the victors to the spoils of war and create
all over europe discords an animoities which
can lead only to future wars by the demand
for the disarmament of one set of belligeran ts
only the principle of justice is violated
and the rule of force is continued by the
financial and economic proposals a hundred
million people of this genesation in the
heart of europe are condemned to poverty
disease and despais which must result in the
spread of hatred and anarchy within each

 Telegram baksida.
 Telegram sida 3.

nation with a deep sense of respon isibility
this congress strongly urges the allied
governments to accept such amendments of
the terms as may be proposed to bring the
peace into harmony with those principles
first enumerated by president wilson upon
the faithful carrying out of which the
honour of the allied peoples depends =
kroepelien *

 Telegram baksida.